Our classes are now located at our "Studio North" location. When arriving make sure you have all your materials listed below for you class!
Required Material List:
Please bring:
6 -10 + tubes water-based paint
(including black, white & one transparent color)
2 - 3 neocolor I (non-water soluble crayons)
4 - 6 brushes (1 at least 1"" wide)
2 sheets - Stonehenge or Rives BFK paper (cut into quarters)
2 primed cradled panels (no larger than 18 x 18)
1 - rubber printmaking brayer
1 - palette knife
1 - pad palette paper
drawing tools (acrylic markers, graphite, charcoal, crayons)
alcohol wipes (from Hiron’s or Rite Aid) or rubbing alcohol
newsprint pad or inexpensive drawing paper
putty knives from hardware store and / or paint spreaders
***NOTE: All Students get 20% off purchases made while enrolled in a class***