Jan Lintz

Jan Lintz settled in Eugene in 2007. She earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree in painting and sculpture from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1990 while also working at University Hospital cardiac ICU. She painted, exhibited, and did medical illustration on the side, returning to school in Chicago and graduating in 2001 to practice family medicine. Since retiring in 2020 she has been immersed in painting full-time.
Jan has developed a special interest in oil and cold wax medium (CWM). She studies directly with coldwax pioneers and authors Rebecca Crowell and Jerry McLaughlin, traveling to Mexico, Ireland, and Colorado for in-person intensive workshops with them. She is also an ongoing member/participant of their online Coldwax Academy.
She has been busy showing her work in multiple solo, group, and juried shows. Jan has decades of empathic teaching experience with both patients and medical providers and is excited to teach at OAS, sharing her enthusiasm for cold wax medium.
See Jan's art and her current show and event announcements at www.janlintz.com and be sure to follow her on Instagram @Jan_Lintz_Art
Jan Halvorsen
Jan Halvorsen grew up in Oregon, on both sides of the Cascades. She has always been
a painter, starting young when she drew maps and cities on her bedroom floor (left
uncarpeted by her very smart mother) and illustrated her sister’s stories. Jan graduated
from the University of Oregon with a BFA in printmaking where her primary medium
was lithography. Lithography allowed a focus on what she really loves to do... drawing.
The collaborative culture of the printmaking studio was also a valuable experience.
After several years working in graphic design, illustration, and video/film production,
Jan taught in the Media Arts program at LCC from 1999 to 2022.
While at LCC, she developed and taught classes in media design, drawing, and
animation. Many of her students were more comfortable with cameras and computers
than drawing tools: “I learned a lot from my students about how to manage
expectations of creativity and technique. Deep learning is experiential: The more senses
you engage, the better. This is why direct work with materials and processes is so
important! I believe everyone is born with imagination. With encouragement and
practice, anyone can build confidence and positive habits to have a rich creative life.”
Terry Duffy
Terry Duffy studied studio art and art eduction in college and later went back to school to study graphic design. She worked as a designer for 32 years, while doing her own art on the side—trying out all kinds of different media along the way. About five years ago she made watercolor her primary medium, allowing her to work loosely with the ability to have complex layering in her paintings. Terry has been teaching at Oregon Art Supply since 2012. She teaches drawing, colored pencil, and watercolor, offering both beginning classes and more advanced classes for each medium. Her first goal is to teach foundational skills to students so that they have the tools to feel successful and stay engaged. Secondly, and more importantly, she encourages them to find their way through the medium to develop their own style. She finds that creating a supportive environment is key, because it gives students the freedom to explore and to become confident about their artwork. "It’s exciting to see students develop skills and ways of expressing themselves that maybe they haven’t considered before. terryduffyart.com
Zoë Cohen
Zoë Cohen, contemporary abstract painter, has been teaching at Oregon Art Supply since 2015. Born in Chicago to a family of artists in the 1960’s, she was immersed in mid-century art and design from an early age. She gradated with a BFA from University of Oregon in 1985 and has exhibited her work in Oregon, Washington, California, New Mexico and New York. Zoë’s favorite thing about teaching is meeting new people and helping to foster their creative process. zcohenstudio.com